

2021, Mar 01    

Hi, this is Neolyon, if you want to participate and collaborate with translation of this app, please read the next info in order to now all about it, let is begin! Note: If you do not read this carefully, I won’t accept you help, sorry. So please only interested people.

Thank you so much for your time, kind regards!

Main points

Now, the language that you will choose need to be your native language or you have dominated it.

Next, you need to send me a mail saying that you want collaborate with the chosen language by you. This, to agree on the way of working.

Finally, once you have been accepted, your work have done and implemented you going to have an acknowledgment and special mention on the app as a thank you for your collaboration.

Secondaries points

If someone is working already on a language, that language there is no will be available on the list of Available Languages to Translate and you will not could participate in that translation.

If someone is been working on a translation of a language and let it by some circumstances, that language will be available again on the list of Available Languages to Translate.

If you have a petition of add a new language and it is your native language, please let me know.

If you already collaborating on some language and you do not send me updates of your work or you don’t take this seriously, you’re automatically out.

List of Available Languages to Translate will be update continually.

This process will take several updates on the app an releases, so please be patient.

If you have suggestion or observations of translations, please let me know.

Mails to me are permitted and will be answered only if it talks about this and if the language in which you want to contribute your translation is not in the process of translation or is not completed, otherwise, it will be ignored.

List of Available Languages to Translate

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Swahili
  • Korean

List of Translated Languages

Translation in progress

Petitions to translate

  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Persian
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Ukrainian